Greta Thunberg has been voted person of the year 2019 by Time


Greta Thunberg, the Swedish girl activist who, for many months, has been taking to the streets all over the world to protest against climate change caused by pollution, was voted by TIME magazine as a person of the year 2019.

The American magazine, which has always voted for the most influential person on the planet (for better or for worse) has left President Trump empty-handed, who was one of the contenders for the title. However, although the Swedish girl has won the title of one of the most famous and presitigiose magazines on the planet, it is right to ask oneself, if Greta Thumberg is as influential as it seems. Surely the media reports give reason to her because the news of all nations talk about her protests. But then how much does she affect the decisions of heads of state on the rules to preserve the effects of pollution?

Presidents of the most powerful nations on earth like President Trump have given little consideration to Greta, indeed they have “limited” themselves to teasing her with a few jokes.
The Trump administration formally submitted documentation to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, keeping its promise to scrap another of Barack Obama’s legacies.

Despite the fact that Greta divides many between sympathy and dislike, without ever generating hate parties, there are many people who claim that behind Greta there are great interests, obscure in public opinion.

Greta Thunberg is the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg. When she was 13, she was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. Also due to its notoriety, much attention has been given to the symptoms she experienced and related to this syndrome: obsessive-compulsive disorder, selective mutism and attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Very often these informations are used to discredit she or to refute her environmental ideas. She herself spoke about her condition in some interviews.