The incredible gaffe of the pontiff for a crude statement on homosexuals in seminaries

Image created with AI to represent a Pope who is a bit of a bully and hooligan for the declaration on homosexuals in seminaries | article by Gabriele Romano When I read the news I was quite skeptical if it was really true. During the CEI assembly, Pope Francis spoke about the admission of seminarians, … Continue reading The incredible gaffe of the pontiff for a crude statement on homosexuals in seminaries

28th May (’24): World Day Hamburger

Picture of | article of Gabriele Romano Every day is a world day. In fact, it even happens that several days overlap on one day. Sometimes all these anniversaries-events get boring, especially if one doesn't understand their meaning.Today, however, I want to express myself clearly about the hamburger and fast food in general.The hamburger … Continue reading 28th May (’24): World Day Hamburger

☘ Peanuts Strip – 28°-05-’24

misunderstanding of the question - Peanuts Strip - 28°-05-'24 This peanuts cartoon made me reflect on ignorance. Sometimes misunderstanding, sometimes also vulgarly called ignorance, makes you happier and even "blissful" but not always. That is, sometimes it happens that we understand too late and so it is always better to understand first.

Dilution (and cancellation?) of gender differences.

The recognition of a wider range of gender identities causes a loss of distinction between the traditional genders of man and woman. Illustration by Tjeerd Royaards to respond to a member of the jury of a competition who wondered why all the cartoon journalists are men. [article by Gabriele Romano] As soon as I saw … Continue reading Dilution (and cancellation?) of gender differences.

The surreal (but truthful) influence of Putin [and Russia] on European and world politics.

drawing created by Tjeerd Royaards - human brain influenced (perhaps even unconsciously) by Putin's politics and rulearticle by Gabriele Romano I draw inspiration from this reflective image by Tjeerd Royaards (Dutch designer) to talk about a new topic: Putin's influence on Europe and also in the conscience of his voters. There is no doubt that … Continue reading The surreal (but truthful) influence of Putin [and Russia] on European and world politics.

Allegri sacked! An era of Juve ends.. Does a new one begin with (or after) Montero?

Anyone who follows sport a little will surely have read or heard about the sports newspaper TUTTO SPORT. But only some football fans know that the Turin newspaper is practically related to the Juventus team and has assumed the role of shield and protector of Juventus.Strange that Massiliano Allegri, after the victory of the Italian … Continue reading Allegri sacked! An era of Juve ends.. Does a new one begin with (or after) Montero?

18th May ’24: International Museum Day

international Museum Day (18th May) International Museum Day (IMD) is an international day held annually on or around 18 May, coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The event highlights a specific theme which changes every year reflecting a relevant theme or issue facing museums internationally. IMD provides the opportunity for museum professionals to … Continue reading 18th May ’24: International Museum Day

♬ a hit from May: the new song by the beautiful Taylor Swift as I get older I no longer have the time or ability to find artists in radio hits... Although Taylor Swift is often heard in Italy, she is not as famous as if she were a pop idol.In any case, I had the opportunity to appreciate both the beauty and the skill of this … Continue reading ♬ a hit from May: the new song by the beautiful Taylor Swift