Allegri sacked! An era of Juve ends.. Does a new one begin with (or after) Montero?

Anyone who follows sport a little will surely have read or heard about the sports newspaper TUTTO SPORT. But only some football fans know that the Turin newspaper is practically related to the Juventus team and has assumed the role of shield and protector of Juventus.Strange that Massiliano Allegri, after the victory of the Italian Cup, addressed insults and threats to the director of TuttoSport, accusing him of being responsible for false and denigrating articles against the team he coaches. But anyway, after the outburst of the Tuscan coach, the decisions and communications from the Juventus leaders arrived immediately and promptly, who immediately proceeded to sack him (two days early) and replace him with the current under-19 coach, Paolo Montero. Allegri’s dismissal would probably have come anyway because an Italian Cup certainly doesn’t balance out a dull season, characterized by a lack of victories in the final days of the championship which influenced even the main betting companies who considered Atalanta as favorites for the victory of the trophy.I think that a coach who threatens the director of the sports newspaper which essentially represents the team is aware that he will soon be sacked.

These are the companies’ motivations:
«Juventus announces that it has sacked Massimiliano Allegri from the role of coach of the men’s first team. The dismissal follows certain behaviors during and after the Italian Cup final which the club deemed incompatible with the values ​​of Juventus and with the behavior that those who represent it must adopt. A period of collaboration ends, which began in 2014, restarted in 2021 and ended after the last 3 seasons together with the Italian Cup Final. The company wishes Massimiliano Allegri good luck for his future projects.”

Allegri coached Juventus
– for 5 years achieved (from 2014 to 2019) winning two championships
– for almost 3 years (from 2021 to 2024) achieving a 4th, a 7th and again a temporary 4th place before being sacked.
The finals lost in the 14-15 and 16-17 years against Barcelona and Real Madrid respectively remain bitter.However, the last season of the first cycle (2018-2019) when he had Cristiano Ronaldo in the team remains opaque.

However, among the comments on Twitter I found many words of support for the former Tuscan coach, accusing the Elkann family of not having the same spirit of passion that distinguished the inimitable lawyer Gianni Agnelli.Obviously we are talking about the same family except for the fact that the surname is only due to inheritance implications… but evidently John Elkann, who fully controls Fiat, Ferrari and Juve, has not shown the same fervor for football.

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